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tip for people struggling to get dinaes cg even though they clicked get ready to leave- the guide had a messup its actually pat her head btw (i made the same mistake an was about to write a whole paragraph in confusin help

Great game! Encountered a few bugs, like Gwyneira's page not unlocking even after I completed her ending, but nothing gamebreaking. Shame this game won't be updated again, but wish you guys success in all your future projects!



do arbors next.

I am scared

annakakasksmaanwnjanss gl

pls help devs
hii i was going through the bugbear route and I got an error screen and a method to copy the report, though it might be helpful to share but I was wondering is there any place I can share it? (unless u want me to post it as a comment but it contains file directories and stuff that I'll censor) the discord links that I found seem to all be expired. apart from this its the only bug I've found

(spoiler: route didn't seem to be affected after it, occurred during the fifth interaction in the library - might have something to do with the fact that I completed the fourth interaction after not selecting his name option in the third interaction, but then the next day I went to cryptozoology and learnt about bugbears which is meant to skip the fourth interaction apparently?)

absolutely adore this game btw it's an absolute gem to play and I've loved every route :D

i got the same thing!


did you read the guide?? you need to get 4+ favorability  and have at least low STR and CHA(4+)  and moderate INT(10+)
i recommend eating the suspicious shrooms for quicker stat upgrades (save before doing it so u dont die lol

does anyone know where i can show the fanworks on where theyll see it 

SPOILER ALERT though not so much

I LOVE this game with all my heart. This is my favorite game so far and I want to play one route each day to take it slow and savor each characters. So far I've played Alucain, Aspen, Bugbear, Titus, Magdeleine, Simon and Luca's routes. Alucain was so wholesome, I was hoping to romance him but the ending was sweet enough Im content leaving it like that, and personally I think being friends would make it more sweet. Aspen was also really sweet. Im a fan of The Little Prince myself, so his route was so entertaining. Bugbear was... questionable. And weirdly enough, I like it. I mean what can I say, hes really attractive. But I just didn't expect he'd eat me out (literally). Titus' route though, its so so so cute. Finding his identity and bonding with the MC was really nice because right now Im also dealing with identity problems, so I can kinda relate. The fourth wall breaking stuff was also fun. And I love the NPC student photo, it was cute. Magdeleine though, it was something else. I actually accidentally met her a lot during other playthroughs and I've always been interested in her. Shes so beautiful and her route is also really beautiful, like its magnificent. Simon's route was a breath of fresh air, because his was so so so damn cute. Its such a cute sappy little romance story. His backstory wasn't cute though and I feel bad for him. Lastly Luca, sigh. Just saying his name is heartbreaking already. I don't have anything else to say other than DON'T play his route if your heart isn't prepared enough. I was reading other comments and saw people talking about his route being sad so I just played it on a whim and oh my god... it was soul crushing. I will continue and play this game, thank you for making such a wonderful game.


Didn't Alucain go by they/them pronouns?

Question, does anyone know what program was made to create this game? i want to try making a game one day and am stuck on which one to use (rpgmaker 2000 is one of my top choices

This was created with Ren'py, a very popular visual novel maker.

(1 edit)

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but I can't find the icon that is suppose to appear after classes on Bugbear's route. I followed the guide filled out my bad student stat as much as possible on Monday. I used the mushrooms in the forest to also get 11 str on Monday. I got lucky and met him the first class I skipped on Tuesday but after classes on Tuesday and Wednesday I can't find his icon. I know I need to get this interaction before Thursday so I can get the other ones, but the icon won't show up for me, so is there something I'm missing?

hii! as someone who played his route manyy times, i think maybe you must've misclick something! or something like that? maybe reloading the game or even redownloading would work :D 

I'm going to(about to?) create a fan(for fan, ppl play this game or whatever idk) server in Discord about this game, anyone interested?, just chat about it tho(maybe)=))*sorry for my bad english*

I'd be interested! 👀

Thank you! And i'm still working on it tho=')


Oh, then notify me when it's ready! Good luck JHann. ヾ(⌐■ヮ■)ノ♪


Id like that too! Please tell me when its ready




i'd also be interested, so pls could u tell me when it's ready? :D

Yes, of course

thank you! =)

is there a discord server?


Broo, it's so good, amazing, and it make me cry so hard 😭😭

NOO I TEARED UPPP HARDD, Luca's route is smthn else


y'all help pls I'm trying (and failing) to romance siri wtf am I doing wrong😭😭

(1 edit)

Did you use the guides? But by the way *spoiler for siris route* the success ending for siri is just getting cockblocked by eleni. The only way to enter a relationship with him is to unlock elenis success ending and enter a poly relationship with him.

there are guides??

yeah lol, if you check the game description it includes a link to the game guide


Due to some error I unlocked 2 endings for Bugbear in the same run-through. Spoiler for bugbears routes below:

It seems all of bugbears success endings are death endings. I unlocked his success ending on Thursday which means he killed me Thursday night. But Friday was still registered so somehow I was still alive the next day. I played the day normally but I guess I unlocked the other success ending "sweet dreams" where he killed me in a different way. 

On a side note, the sweet dreams ending was really graphic and I'd appreciate a censor button for the picture or speed up button for the text. I know there was a prior option of censoring the route but I had assumed it would only be graphic to the level of the 'butchering the pig in the professors office scene.' I was playing this at 2:00 AM in a pitch black room and while I know many won't be playing in these circumstances I'm sure there are still quite a few.


The same thing also happened to me about  15 minutes ago. Damn i really thought bugbear wouldnt actually kill me even after following guides😭

ik right? 😭

(1 edit)

hello! i have played the bugbear route ALOT before the update! so i have a question; does bugbear have new endings? if not are you talking about the ending where he !!TRIGGER WARNING!!! ate a child infront of the MC? but if there is new endings to his route , i would love a tutorial on how to get it please :D

TBH I don't know if there are new endings and I don't really know what triggered a different ending to show up. There was one thing I noticed though, which I'll explain in a bit. The ending you're talking about, the child eating one, was the second ending I achieved. The first ending I got from him was one where he killed me in a ballroom, in a substantially less graphic and terrifying away.  Or at least I think it was a ballroom (sorry it's been a while). The first ending I achieved just by following the guides. But ya know how on the last day he asks you to meet him somewhere later? Well at the end of the day that scene where I go to the place to meet him didn't happen. I just suddenly showed up at a ballroom (I think) where he was, he flirted with me, revealed his evilness, and then killed me. After he killed me and I somehow survived the next day I just played the day normally. But this time the scene where I go meet up with him did trigger. Which is the scene that you were referencing. 


This game is so lovely! I was wondering if there was a discord server for this game!

god- this game is amazing, it's just so cuteeee- albeit some character routes are quite questionable. 

i love this omg all the characters are so cute


I really need help to get Hui's sucess ending, can anyone pls help;-;?

Have you read the guide yet? :0 I think you should be fine after reading and following the instructions!

Why in Bugbears route when I click "Stop him" it does nothing is there a way I can fix it ?

(1 edit) (+3)

i think you can't stop him 

hello hello hello! there isnt much of a way to stop him! but i think you're suppose to? thats what i did to get his good ending! clicking it multiple times 


spoiler kinda XD

Luca litterally just causally calling us out as a time travel is so sans

i think i found a glitch where the game thinks that titus isnt the but he is just without his hat, so if he comes a long his hat just appears of him and when he leaves his hat just leaves XD

but being honest was funny to think about


Ive only done one route and im already obsessed. ITS PAST MIDNIGHT RN </3

I love Simon with all my heart !! I just chose randomly and just hyperfixated on going on a date with him. Especially after Bugbear ate me alive im assuming ^^ Haha.. hes still hot tho-

Planning to get a few more routes,, though its gonna be a little hard since I needed help from a guide. And that guide doesn't have every character nor completed every single one of em ;-; *pain* 

I was legit shaking and squealing the entire time !! Let me spend more time with Simon pls </3

Ah nevermind just saw the official guide xD One route a day!

Maybe spoiler:

I just wanted to ask if there is maybe some sort of time loop in the game because I have been  stuck on tuesday for a while. It happened on Huxley's route. 

does anyone know how to download on phone?

Deleted 1 year ago


just so you know there is a guide for endings on this speech.

yeah I followed the guide but I still cannot get his ending. Still the same thing, I can't find him in the infirmary or the other extracurricular places he goes to. Did u get his or something?

Nah but now that you mention it I've been having issues similar to what you just described in your reply but with bugbear, I just can't seem to find him in the library to get the rest of the pts.... Weird

You mean on how you can meet him? I already finished his route, I met him in the bathouse, he got 2 endings. The other ending was horrifying, you can learn more abt him in crypzoology too. Just go to the bathhouse and he'll invite you to go together somewhere.

eh not exactly, i mean I've met him quite a bit but never saw him in the library like the guide said about the option abt being able to pat his head sadly i always just get a fail week or whatever. though he wasn't the first one i went after, the 'OG' was Simon. i just picked him blindly.

(1 edit)

so basically the only success ending you can get with siri is /with eleni/ im pretty sure... to get that u need siri's "success ending" (im pretty sure you got that already) and then do eleni's route. when the screen asks if you know siri or not, click yes.


I really love this game, is there anywhere else that I can find more content about it? Like a twitter, discord server, etc.?

i keep failing, i not know why

Currently doing all the routes finished 11 now. On Spinel's route now. I love this game. 

After playing this game i really liked it! I got Bugbear's "failed" ending and let me tell you, was i for a ride. Overall i liked his route, i tried variety of other routes but Bugbear's route stood out from the rest. Overall a very good game.


This game has been on my "To play" list for so long. I finally got around to it and all I have to say is. Totally worth the wait! I've only gotten one ending for now but so far, I'm having so much fun! The characters are so diverse! I enjoy getting to choose where I go and exploring the school. The art is so cute! I love how much effort and details go into everything like watching the clouds go by or the sunset go down. I'm going to try my best and play each route!


How do i do bugbears route i cant trigger the 4th meeting 



I loved the game so much! I couldn't stop playing it for about a month straight! I even suggested it to a few friends. I've struggled to get bugbear's ending and gave up XD. 

I'd say the only like small thing I don't like about the game is the all the endings having different art styles. Mostly the fact that one of the endings (SPOILERS AHEAD) In Ashton's ending he has a traced piece of art, He is my favorite character and that was kind of upsetting. Especially since it is traced from a Disney movie scene, this may be a small game but doing that was very risky and I'm hoping to see it redone in the future (Maybe?) for the game's sake and my own. Tracing a Disney scene if the game does blow up could lead to some problems down the line. 

However that's more of an art concern then the fact that they all share different art styles. My issue with that is the art styles don't match the game itself I'd say Darcey was probably the worst in my opinion due to his color palette I think it would have been better to leave him out of the game since it contrasts so much, BUT I still love his design please don't get me wrong! It's a small thing and it doesn't effect the overall game play! 9/10! I for sure will be recommending this to others in the future as well! 

(Doe's anyone else get a little off put from the different art styles or is it just me? :D please reply I would love to know your thought's as well!)

i assume it's because the game itself is a project collaboration with different artists that's why the art styles are different, but i do get you! i was also a bit surprised and put off by that fact the first time around but i've come to get used to it, the different art styles all have their own charms anyway :) 


I haven’t played this game yet but asking ppl not to roleplay your characters is SO funny to me. That’s such a niche specific thing to ask of ppl. 

What role players hurt you in the past? Lmfao. 




I assume it's because this game is based on the Saint Spell role-play, as linked in the description. They probably just want to remain in control over their setting and everyone's individual characters, which they have all right to do.


Well, talk about rude and unecessary...
The characters you see in this game are in fact OCs that are already part of an existing RP group.
It's even written in the game's description.


here again cuz im still sad for luca :". I was listening to takt op opening while re-doing luca's ending and it kinda fit. When i saw the amv for the opening it fits with mc and luca too since they should've been together happily but one had to die :(((

(2 edits)

Isnt Alucain's pronouns they/them? The reason why I'm asking is because they're called with masculine pronouns in the guide.


he/they pronouns maybe?

Maybe 🤔


i've only done bugbear's and luca's ending but im already commenting! This game is great so far, the characters are well written. Bugbear scared the hell out of me despite the cutesy look in his pixel form. Luca actually made me cry... I want a good end with him in another world line or any universe even if I have to pay :"(( I actually interacted with Dinae(she's a funny one to be honest) and Simon(he's so preciouss) and they' I love this game, it made me feel happiness, fear, and sadness all in one day.

Luca's ending made me cry too! Like why you gotta hit me with that angst... But damn, does it hurt so good  :,)

RIGHTT it makes you want to replay it over and over again :DD


m gonna cryyryry ive been trying to do the bugbear route but jkzfkjsdf the only interactions i get of him is about the skip meeting and where i go to the forest n he goes oh oh bro its dangerous you should head back sdkjahbdk ive even been trying to follow the guide but eeven that doesnt helpp, can someonee help me out here???

The thing about bugbear's route is that the main event that gets you to his ending (choosing to learn about bugbears in cryptozoology class) relies heavily on chance. Ngl I think it took me around 50 tries since other than getting that choice you need to have a high STR stat to avoid the bad ending.

agreed i kept trying but not getting the option to learn abt bugbears in cryptozoology :"( had to restart the game app before it worked

aah okay aidhnadn ill keep those in mind when i do bugbear's route!! :) thank youuouo

also, recommend to choose "accept vague answer" for cryptozoology scene

okay,, ill keep that in mind when the option finally shows up hwwhhwh


I absolutely love this game! There's something about it that just makes my feelings stir... I wish there was a longer version where I could go about living a whole year at the school! I always find myself wandering the forest at night. The atmosphere is just so comforting... If there's any possible chance you're thinking about making the game continue on longer I would love to support you throughout it all!

This game is so cute!!!!!! I love the characters 

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