basically do everything that you did to get on his route but make sure to have 10 STR by the 3rd meeting at crypto, make sure you ask him about his smile and his real name. the ending would be the same but you will unlock the 4th cg !!
can somebody help me with spinel's route TT, ive been trying to get his 2nd meeting for so many times and i dont know where to meet him since the guide only explained it cannot be done in class TT (edit; NVM I GOT IT ,,)
i was doing Areves route but im kinda confused on what is the student council, is that a place? i cant find it and getting her bad ending made me quite sad so someone please help me!!!!
at 6pm when you can do extracurriculars go to the classroom and there would be an option where you can help the student council, you can encounter areve there
All you have to do is get her success ending along with Siri's success end and then select the option yes at the end of Eleni's route when the game asks you if you know Siri or not.
THIS GAME IS SO GOOD BRO IT HAD MY CRYINGGGGGG!!! The design, the art, the story, LUCA. EVERYTHING IS AMAZINGGGG!!! My favorites were Luca and Simon!!!! I just sent it to all my friends to play and i hope they enjoy it!!!
Help, I recently started playing this yesterday and the first route I entered was Siri’s (ended up heartbroken in the end of course) but then I heard you can get Siri’s good ending after getting Eleni’s secret/good ending. Did both of her secret and good endings right after getting Siri’s Success(?) ending then did Siri’s route all over again to get the supposed good ending, but I still ended up getting his success (?) ending. Does he have no hidden or good ending?
Oh RIGHT I LOVE THIS GAME, I played it for maybe 5 hours yesterday (taking my time of course) and today I’m just trying to get Siri’s endings. I love the art and the designs of all the characters! They’re all unique in their own way, and I especially love the story (Bugbears jumpscare made me so scared though when i got it at random💀)
So I loved this game a ton I tried so much just to figure out Bugbears route and I finally achived it! And I think I love him too much since I some how still love him after finishing it and seeing him you know KILL ME. But I seriously loved this game and now im trying to do other characters routes without getting distracted by Bugbear :')
i just recently got back into this game 2 days ago (and i missed every bit of it) soo, i was trying luca's route, but every time i encounter him in the library during workstudy, the game crashes on me </3
idk whether this is a bug or if it's just me but i've tried it a couple of times and it kept crashing. the game also crashes on me during gwyneria's encounter in the garden.
other than that, i just wanted to add that i love titus, that's all :>
hi, i rarely comment on anything but this game is so so good omfg . the art and esp the colors are amazing and all the characters r so fun n well designed amazing job to everyone involved in this game
Jesus, I'm trying to get through ALL of Siri's endings and gallery but I'm stuck! I've already gotten 2 endings (One Bad with no pic and one with "Success(?)") Does anyone know how to get the rest?? (I'm going to try the other good ending by doing the one I saw in the comments for Eleni's.....which I might need help on as well?) (T - T)
Finish both Eleni and Siri's route with a success ending and start Eleni's route again. At the end when it asks you if you've seen Siri before, select yes.
I have so many questions on how to do Dinae's good ending since I've been getting bad endings all the time and it has been hours and even almost days since I can't get her good ending. :( Can anyone help? I followed the guide already, but I keep getting her bad ending. TT TT Do I need to do something? I'm confused... I take the classes she's in but she's not in class once too.. I take Study of Malediction, Healing, Potions and Combat and Defense. Is this a bug...? q.q
Here are the choices I did.
- "I'm actually a new student.", "Gently nudge the contradiction.", "Politely say goodbye."
- "Point out what you saw", "Passively tease her", "Give her advice", "Get ready to leave"
- "Take it from her", "Something seems wrong..." (I did the minigame. Moonwater, Crow, With them.), "Lightly admit your frustration with her."
- "Hide the plushie from her", "Ask her about it", "Let her find it."
- "Lend her an ear", "Let her talk", "Give her space."
and as for the others,
- "Ask her what she's been up to", "Eat the other food first", "Offer it to her".
- "Continue to mind your business", "Deny her", "Workout with Dinae."
- "She was panicked", "Offer her assistance", "Tall"
- "Play along with her", "Play along again."
I keep seeing her generic line... does anyone know what kind of mistake I did? :')
you could choose "pat her head" instead of "get ready to leave" for a CG! also you shouldn't choose to "mind your business", choose to watch her instead, you should eat the cake first instead as well
then you should also do "workstudy" in the library and "egg her on" and lastly "let her fall" then you should be getting her good end! you'll also unlock another CG with it if you hadn't done it yet!
It makes me feel guilty to say this but it didn't work.. TT_TT I'm disappointed I still can't get her ending... I'm trying to do everything since it has been days aaa..
Thank you for your effort on trying to help though!! I appreciate it so much for you replying to my comment thinking that I might get ignored but I guess not which is nice even though it didn't help me much, it's alright!! ^^
no problem!!! I'm rly glad you got it!!! ❤️❤️❤️ about bugbear, that mf keeps stalking me 😭😭😭 it's an obsession at this point 😭 but if you want to get killed by him once you meet him and you're not on his route keep going to the garden at 8pm and he should kill you fast enough 💪💪💪
I think you need to get into one of the classes he's in first! You can also open the game guide, but i'll write it here for you.
Don't forget to have 8 STR points!
Take Arithmancy, Astrology, History of Magic, Study of Malediction as your classes! During Arithmancy/History of Magic class, click on him. Even though you can't find him, make sure that some students are talking about the 'Nightshade Dragon'! Then you wait until almost the end of the day and I think MC will go down to investigate about the so called 'Nightshade Dragon' and run into Sal. (Don't pick just keep resting, that's an auto-fail). The choices I picked were, "Yes, I'm a student" and "Well he seems to know what he's doing." Then I think, during lunch, approach him! I chose "Well, you found me." during that convo! After that, I went to either the fields, or the garden or the forest and then chose the option to wander around. Then you'll find him again! Also be aware you need 8 STR so you can pick the choice to say 'Confirm'! Then during History of Magic (Or something else?), you click on him again and pick the choice to save him a seat. I forgot what happens next but then you go to the library (during.. 6 PM?) and work on his project! At the end, you pick "We are friends." and then you have it! Sorry for the long paragraph brhj
I'm enjoying the game so far!! But I need help unlocking Barnaby's Bad End CG. I've been following guides but after the first meeting, I can't access the second meeting so I keep getting forever alone...please help!!
you gotta raise your charm like alot then just keep on trying to sit beside her in her class. then it will trigger an event where you help her. then the secret ending is that just make sure to follow the choices in the guide. if you already got elani good ending then.
when siri pin you down when your with elani (his annoyed at you in here btw xD) anyways say that you now him and then you unlock the secret end ^.^
Ps. you gotta unlock the good end before proceeding to get the secret end.
Huhu, how do you unlock Sirius’ good ending? I’ve done everything I could, even got all of his CG’s. I finished Eleni’s good and hidden ending, got Sirius’ bad ending and (?) ending. Then right after I got Eleni’s hidden ending I tried his route again but simply got the (?) ending once again, I’ve followed the guide and everything (full points, even had 10+ stats on Strength, Charisma and Good for some reason before going to enter his route) Am I doing something wrong perhaps? Or does he just not have a good ending and his supposed good ending is mashed in with Eleni’s hidden ending?
The good ending or the secret ending is actually the same as Elani secret ending I was disappointed too but yeah if you look through all Siri CG that's everything.
Help, im still confused!! I already got Elanis good ending and i got as many charisma as i could but nothing seems to be working. I think I have to unlock all her images but idk how to unlock the second one
tbh the way i did it was firstly doing some stealing in the kitchens so i can skip class later on. make sure you have study of malediction (your first interaction should be on that class w/ him)
for me, he's either in the kitchen(skipping), in the gardens or in the library
having a lot of interactions w/ him is very important!! once he starts talking about malediction, you're on the right route
interaction goes like this(for me):
wed: lunch & class(SoM)
thursday: kitchen(skipping), library(freetime) and lunch again
i can help!! theres a game guide if u scroll a bit up in the disc, but u have to do elenis route to get a good good ending w/ siri. but first, do siris good(?) ending then RIGHT after play elenis!! i hope that helps <3
So... My degree at uni is Biomedical Science. I ATTEMPTED to use this game to procrastinate. Then got not only the composition of humans (of which I have a whole table) but a question on the exact area (phosphorylation) that I had yet to properly study. I thank you for getting me off my ass and actually doing my exam prep.
After exam season is over I am GOING to succeed with Alucain. I am DETERMINED.
i started playing yesterday and oh my god. Bugbears route (spoiler) was TERRIFYING but i loved it! i was sad that i couldnt end up with Siri though, at least from what i found. (end of spoilers) it is difficult to figure out what classes to choose and what people look like. its hard to tell based on their icons until you meet them, which is also hard. i feel like we should at least know what they look like a little more. that and maybe making it easier to figure out where people go to do their routes. but i do love the game!
I'm shaking, I'm sobbing, I'm crying. HOW DO I GET Hui's good ending??? I've been on his route 13 times already and still I can't seem to get it- Does anyone have tips???? This boy will be the end of me if I can't get his route-
when i [played it, from what i remembered i just kept not minding him or chose not to try and get his attention i got it right, not really sure tho. you can get the guide book to understand his routes LMAO
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cannot BELIEVE!!! i was frienddumped by Darcy, gonna cry brb
w8 how did u do his route? i dont see his in the guides and tips...
I honestly totally forgot, I did a random thing and got his events...hurt me emotionally at the end tho
crying I was shown this comment and I'm so sorry 😂 but thank you for enjoying him!
Me too i wasn’t expecting this ending...😭😭😭
I've been following the guide, but for some reason the second meeting with Barnaby doesn't show up for me, can anyone help me?
if you go on the game guide you meet him in class!
honestly-- one of my favorite games so far!!
how do you get bugbears good ending- or the fourth cg of him im stuck :'DD
basically do everything that you did to get on his route but make sure to have 10 STR by the 3rd meeting at crypto, make sure you ask him about his smile and his real name. the ending would be the same but you will unlock the 4th cg !!
you can get it by meeting him at queenguards practice!
T^T I really want to have a good ending with Siri but it's not possible...hate Eleni don't know why I got stuck with her one time without even trying.
be smart. also idk if it works like bugbear where u have to ask about her species in cryptozoology but u could try that
I tried but I always get her bad ending
I am trying my best to get BB's route (Bugbear) someone help ;-;
you can usually find him by skipping class...bugbear hunts bad kids so just try being a bad student.
I did that but I will try again thanks.
When you skip classes go to the garden, that's where you're most likely to have interaction with him if you haven't been doing that.
can somebody help me with spinel's route TT, ive been trying to get his 2nd meeting for so many times and i dont know where to meet him since the guide only explained it cannot be done in class TT (edit; NVM I GOT IT ,,)
can u pls tell me how to get his 2nd meeting ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I replied to you, I hope you get it soon good luck!! (just keep trying to find him at any time besides class i swear you'll get it bro)
i was doing Areves route but im kinda confused on what is the student council, is that a place? i cant find it and getting her bad ending made me quite sad so someone please help me!!!!
at 6pm when you can do extracurriculars go to the classroom and there would be an option where you can help the student council, you can encounter areve there
Why is Bugbear's route so hard to get??? I've been trying for 3 hours nonstop and the cryptozoology question simply doesn't appear T.T
i also spent alot of time getting the question and eventually got it after so many tries so i think you just gotta keep retrying , hang in there TT
It bugs sometimes so you have to reload the game
Can someone please tell me how to get Eleni’s secret route? Or at least how to unlock her second image
All you have to do is get her success ending along with Siri's success end and then select the option yes at the end of Eleni's route when the game asks you if you know Siri or not.
Help I'm still attracted to Bugbear I don't think that was suppose to happen
THIS GAME IS SO GOOD BRO IT HAD MY CRYINGGGGGG!!! The design, the art, the story, LUCA. EVERYTHING IS AMAZINGGGG!!! My favorites were Luca and Simon!!!! I just sent it to all my friends to play and i hope they enjoy it!!!
Hey how do you all get barnaby 2nd cg/pic im litterally doing everything TvT being mean to him but i cant get his second pic no matter what
keep barnaby's favorability to -3 always to get the 2nd pic, you can still be nice but not exceeding -3
Help, I recently started playing this yesterday and the first route I entered was Siri’s (ended up heartbroken in the end of course) but then I heard you can get Siri’s good ending after getting Eleni’s secret/good ending. Did both of her secret and good endings right after getting Siri’s Success(?) ending then did Siri’s route all over again to get the supposed good ending, but I still ended up getting his success (?) ending. Does he have no hidden or good ending?
Oh RIGHT I LOVE THIS GAME, I played it for maybe 5 hours yesterday (taking my time of course) and today I’m just trying to get Siri’s endings. I love the art and the designs of all the characters! They’re all unique in their own way, and I especially love the story (Bugbears jumpscare made me so scared though when i got it at random💀)
I'm pretty sure Siri's good ending is Eleni's secret ending because it was listed as Eleni and Siri's good ending. I might be wrong though
Can i get an invite to the discord group of this game please:)
So I loved this game a ton I tried so much just to figure out Bugbears route and I finally achived it! And I think I love him too much since I some how still love him after finishing it and seeing him you know KILL ME. But I seriously loved this game and now im trying to do other characters routes without getting distracted by Bugbear :')
uhm so I got distracted by Bugbear-
i just recently got back into this game 2 days ago (and i missed every bit of it) soo, i was trying luca's route, but every time i encounter him in the library during workstudy, the game crashes on me </3
idk whether this is a bug or if it's just me but i've tried it a couple of times and it kept crashing. the game also crashes on me during gwyneria's encounter in the garden.
other than that, i just wanted to add that i love titus, that's all :>
hi, i rarely comment on anything but this game is so so good omfg . the art and esp the colors are amazing and all the characters r so fun n well designed
amazing job to everyone involved in this game
Areve's fail ending is pain lol
does anyone know to get sirius success without the "(?)" behind the word "success"?
you need to successfully complete Eleni's route to get Sirius's other ending ! there's also a walkthrough guide in the description if you need it.
i was success at eleni's route but i still can't get the good ending of sirius's route
Go back to Eleni's route and select yes if the game asks you if you know Siri
oh thanks
I just downloaded the game yesterday and i love it so much!!!1!
Jesus, I'm trying to get through ALL of Siri's endings and gallery but I'm stuck! I've already gotten 2 endings (One Bad with no pic and one with "Success(?)") Does anyone know how to get the rest?? (I'm going to try the other good ending by doing the one I saw in the comments for Eleni's.....which I might need help on as well?) (T - T)
Finish both Eleni and Siri's route with a success ending and start Eleni's route again. At the end when it asks you if you've seen Siri before, select yes.
I have so many questions on how to do Dinae's good ending since I've been getting bad endings all the time and it has been hours and even almost days since I can't get her good ending. :( Can anyone help? I followed the guide already, but I keep getting her bad ending. TT TT Do I need to do something? I'm confused... I take the classes she's in but she's not in class once too.. I take Study of Malediction, Healing, Potions and Combat and Defense. Is this a bug...? q.q
Here are the choices I did.
- "I'm actually a new student.", "Gently nudge the contradiction.", "Politely say goodbye."
- "Point out what you saw", "Passively tease her", "Give her advice", "Get ready to leave"
- "Take it from her", "Something seems wrong..." (I did the minigame. Moonwater, Crow, With them.), "Lightly admit your frustration with her."
- "Hide the plushie from her", "Ask her about it", "Let her find it."
- "Lend her an ear", "Let her talk", "Give her space."
and as for the others,
- "Ask her what she's been up to", "Eat the other food first", "Offer it to her".
- "Continue to mind your business", "Deny her", "Workout with Dinae."
- "She was panicked", "Offer her assistance", "Tall"
- "Play along with her", "Play along again."
I keep seeing her generic line... does anyone know what kind of mistake I did? :')
you could choose "pat her head" instead of "get ready to leave" for a CG! also you shouldn't choose to "mind your business", choose to watch her instead, you should eat the cake first instead as well
then you should also do "workstudy" in the library and "egg her on" and lastly "let her fall" then you should be getting her good end! you'll also unlock another CG with it if you hadn't done it yet!
It makes me feel guilty to say this but it didn't work.. TT_TT I'm disappointed I still can't get her ending... I'm trying to do everything since it has been days aaa..
Thank you for your effort on trying to help though!! I appreciate it so much for you replying to my comment thinking that I might get ignored but I guess not which is nice even though it didn't help me much, it's alright!! ^^
ahhh, sorry!! I did her route again now and wrote down everything I did!! hopefully this time you can get her good ending!!! <3333
combat & defense
day 1:
approach during classes
"gently nudge her on the contradiction"
"tease her as she leaves"
"ask her what she's been up to"
"start eating it in front of her"
"offer it to her"
arena: exercise
I met Ashton
extracurriculars: library -> workstudy
I met Darcy
arena: exercise
"watch her practice"
"taunt her"
"workout with Dinae"
day 2
go to class
arena: exercise
"point out what you saw"
"passively tease her"
"give her advice"
"pat her head"
spend lunch together
"take it from her"
"something feels off"
"with them"
"tease her"
arena: exercise
I met Ashton
go to class
approach Dinae
"hide the plushie from her"
"ask her about it"
"let her find it"
extracurriculars: library -> workstudy
"eating hair"
"challange her"
"egg her on"
"let her fall"
infirmary: checkup
I met "???"
day 3
go to class
don't approach anyone
infirmary: checkup
I met Bugbear
spend lunch with Dinae
"lend her an ear"
"let her talk"
"stay with her"
infirmary: checkup
I met "???"
go to class
approach Dinae
you should get her good end line by now
I found out by now I was supposed to choose "rest" instead
infirmary: rest
"ask her why she is dying"
"this drama queen..."
and you can continue approaching her until weekend if you want to
I accidentally got killed by Bugbear 😬
anyway this should work!
THANK YOU THANK YOU IT WORKED HAAHHGEUUGDJ :SOB: also omg ive been wanting to be killed by bugbear for a while now LOL BUT TYSM UEWUUE
no problem!!! I'm rly glad you got it!!! ❤️❤️❤️ about bugbear, that mf keeps stalking me 😭😭😭 it's an obsession at this point 😭 but if you want to get killed by him once you meet him and you're not on his route keep going to the garden at 8pm and he should kill you fast enough 💪💪💪
how the heck you get sal's rote? I've been skipping classes to see him but is always the same interaction when he smiles at you..
I think you need to get into one of the classes he's in first! You can also open the game guide, but i'll write it here for you.
Don't forget to have 8 STR points!
Take Arithmancy, Astrology, History of Magic, Study of Malediction as your classes! During Arithmancy/History of Magic class, click on him. Even though you can't find him, make sure that some students are talking about the 'Nightshade Dragon'! Then you wait until almost the end of the day and I think MC will go down to investigate about the so called 'Nightshade Dragon' and run into Sal. (Don't pick just keep resting, that's an auto-fail). The choices I picked were, "Yes, I'm a student" and "Well he seems to know what he's doing." Then I think, during lunch, approach him! I chose "Well, you found me." during that convo! After that, I went to either the fields, or the garden or the forest and then chose the option to wander around. Then you'll find him again! Also be aware you need 8 STR so you can pick the choice to say 'Confirm'! Then during History of Magic (Or something else?), you click on him again and pick the choice to save him a seat. I forgot what happens next but then you go to the library (during.. 6 PM?) and work on his project! At the end, you pick "We are friends." and then you have it! Sorry for the long paragraph brhj
Thank you! I didn't knew how or where to interact with him XD
You're welcome!! ^^ It was also confusing for me too until I accidentally found out how to interact with him XD I didn't even use the guide too lol
I'm enjoying the game so far!! But I need help unlocking Barnaby's Bad End CG. I've been following guides but after the first meeting, I can't access the second meeting so I keep getting forever alone...please help!!
i have the same problem, someone said you need to keep the points to -3 always but i still only get the forever alone screen?
Sameeeee, any progress?
I finally got the bad ending! You have to pick all the wrong options for all meetings and attend the nap club once
also constantly approach him in class and lunch
u need to get 10+ strength; after u meet him, go to ur classes, and ask him about his smile
I need some desperate help with Hui's route I've been going over his route left and right and it's always a fail :(
(Edit: I GOT IT!!)
how did u get it?
I need help with Eleni's route, I want the secret ending to get the good ending with siri and I don't understand the guide AAAA
you gotta raise your charm like alot then just keep on trying to sit beside her in her class. then it will trigger an event where you help her. then the secret ending is that just make sure to follow the choices in the guide. if you already got elani good ending then.
when siri pin you down when your with elani (his annoyed at you in here btw xD) anyways say that you now him and then you unlock the secret end ^.^
Ps. you gotta unlock the good end before proceeding to get the secret end.
Your welcome i hope you got the secret end.
Huhu, how do you unlock Sirius’ good ending? I’ve done everything I could, even got all of his CG’s. I finished Eleni’s good and hidden ending, got Sirius’ bad ending and (?) ending. Then right after I got Eleni’s hidden ending I tried his route again but simply got the (?) ending once again, I’ve followed the guide and everything (full points, even had 10+ stats on Strength, Charisma and Good for some reason before going to enter his route) Am I doing something wrong perhaps? Or does he just not have a good ending and his supposed good ending is mashed in with Eleni’s hidden ending?
The good ending or the secret ending is actually the same as Elani secret ending I was disappointed too but yeah if you look through all Siri CG that's everything.
Siri secret end is also Elani secret end TvT.
Help, im still confused!! I already got Elanis good ending and i got as many charisma as i could but nothing seems to be working. I think I have to unlock all her images but idk how to unlock the second one
the second one is her secret route. nyou gotta replay her route again. to get the second pic.
as ive said when you and elani are together. Siri will suddenly pin you into the wall just say that you know him and thats her secret end.
can somebody please help me get luca's route? i don't really understand the guide either
tbh the way i did it was firstly doing some stealing in the kitchens so i can skip class later on. make sure you have study of malediction (your first interaction should be on that class w/ him)
for me, he's either in the kitchen(skipping), in the gardens or in the library
having a lot of interactions w/ him is very important!! once he starts talking about malediction, you're on the right route
interaction goes like this(for me):
wed: lunch & class(SoM)
thursday: kitchen(skipping), library(freetime) and lunch again
friday: class, garden(freetime) then lunch again!
hope you get it!!
completed all the success endings but i haven't gotten 2 settings/backgrounds and it's upsetting me LMAO.
is there a bad end that has any special bgs?????
help how do i get siris good ending??? i will literally cry please oh my gods
just got it. I LITERALLY WILL CRY.
i know!! i can only get the bad ending T_T
i can help!! theres a game guide if u scroll a bit up in the disc, but u have to do elenis route to get a good good ending w/ siri. but first, do siris good(?) ending then RIGHT after play elenis!! i hope that helps <3
oh and i forgot to include, the good good ending is in elenis good ending!
So... My degree at uni is Biomedical Science. I ATTEMPTED to use this game to procrastinate. Then got not only the composition of humans (of which I have a whole table) but a question on the exact area (phosphorylation) that I had yet to properly study. I thank you for getting me off my ass and actually doing my exam prep.
After exam season is over I am GOING to succeed with Alucain. I am DETERMINED.
Literally one of my favorite video games ever. The visuals the characters the setting... well done everyone.
Okay how do you guys get Salinger (the dragon Anima) 1st pic. like literally how? help please TvT.
i started playing yesterday and oh my god. Bugbears route (spoiler) was TERRIFYING but i loved it! i was sad that i couldnt end up with Siri though, at least from what i found.
(end of spoilers)
it is difficult to figure out what classes to choose and what people look like. its hard to tell based on their icons until you meet them, which is also hard. i feel like we should at least know what they look like a little more. that and maybe making it easier to figure out where people go to do their routes. but i do love the game!
I'm shaking, I'm sobbing, I'm crying. HOW DO I GET Hui's good ending??? I've been on his route 13 times already and still I can't seem to get it- Does anyone have tips???? This boy will be the end of me if I can't get his route-
when i [played it, from what i remembered i just kept not minding him or chose not to try and get his attention i got it right, not really sure tho. you can get the guide book to understand his routes LMAO
oh … Masochism? Thanks for the tip! I’ll try to win his heart with neglect!