I LOVED the experience whilst playing this game. All the characters are very well designed and I really felt absorbed into the universe. I know it's early stages but I would love it if it wasn't just a week long game! I completely get that this is for future updates but I'd love to have the whole school year to interact with these people. Cannot wait for the future of this game <33
if u click the game guide, you're able to see her character and how to see her! i recommend choosing the choices that seems good to u and if it doesn't work out, just use a save spot to return later on! :D
In my case, I started seeing him during one of his free time events: In SoM Class. Although from what I can remember, you can also meet him at the kitchen, the garden, and the library. I'm pretty sure most of the more important stuff on how to get his route is in the game guide.
^^ plus theres no guide on how to get his route but if u click an answer, it shows what is right to pick or what is wrong right away so u can go back easily n fix it!! i always chose the options to compliment him (mainly bc i love him </3)
How do i get siris good end. Ive tried to befriend eleni but it just puts you on her route and idk how to get them to stopping being all buddy buddy. I like their story, its interesting but a pain. Ive done it like 20 times
Attend any of the classes after bumping into him and in one of them the prof should ask you in what mythical creature you're interested in. Click the bugbear option! For his classes choose astro, crypto, combat & defense and any other class.
Great game! Was just wondering how many endings there are for Alucain! Is there only a possibility of friendship with them? Either way I love them and all the characters in this!
You have to meet Arbor first then try to find her during lunch. After that, you have to find a way to die, choose the option where it says something like you still want to live and from then on, you'll stay in her route.
You would have to go back to Eleni's good route after Siri's success ending, then there would be two choices that would ask you if you've seen Siri before or not, since you're gonna meet him again. To get the first CG for both Eleni and Siri, you'd have to say you've seen him before and it'll trigger that.
for the life of me i can't seem to get dinae's good ending, can anyone help? i followed the guide exactly but it doesnt show what to do for extracurriculars/ lunch so that must be where i'm messing up, but i've tried so many combinations and have done her route over a dozen times now.
You'd have to be SUPER kind to her, listen to her, give her advice, don't tease her and such, and in one of the lunch events, it's gonna ask u to eat the cake or not, you'd have to save it for later and give Dinae. If ever you get stuck during the Saturday event, you'd have to accept her invitation to leave since your tired, and it'll trigger her good ending.
You'd have to higher your bad student points to see him in the free time events he has, make sure you limit it to the ones that allow you to get the bad ending, I'm pretty sure there's 5 of them, and just keep on seeing him during class since his dialogues would change depending on how you treat him, then you would be able to get his bad end.
To those who haven't gotten this ending, you would have to go back to Eleni's good route after Siri's success ending to meet him again, then there would be two choices that would ask you if you've seen him before or not. To get the third ending for both Eleni and Siri, you'd have to say you've seen him before.
- you can getting on her route by approaching her in Cryptozoology, Potions, Practical 101 or gardens - All her dates are at 6:00 PM -She doesn't really require any points so just focus on the date.
She doesn't really need any 'good points', so you only need to focus on her dates.
You have to get 10 points of intelligence, hardworking, be honest with him, get tutor in the library or work your project with alucain in history, meet him in the infirmary, garden and library. That's how i got alucain's ending i hope it helps ^^
actually...if u don't mind....what choices did you pick for him.....somehow? i still keep getting the bad ending lol (sorry for bothering if i am ) <33
It takes about 20-30 minutes per route, well at least for doing one of the endings. It took me a few days to figure out some of the other character's routes since the guide wasn't out yet when I started playing
What i did was that I chose random classes but you HAVE to choose study of malediction! You won't be able to talk/find Luca unless you go to study of malediction on wednesday. After you meet luca on wednesday try to spend as much time with him as you can especially during lunch and freetime! During freetime he's usually in the library studying. On Monday and tuesday make sure to steal food from the kitchen and get your bad up to 4 to be able to skip class. You can skip any class you want but NOT study of malediction. When your skipping classes go to the kitchen to get a chance of showing luca on how to make coffee (someone said this in the comments but I wasn't able to show him how to make coffee but I was still able to get his good ending so you dont really need to do this part!). That's basically it but when your talking to him make sure to pick dialogues that you think will please him on your answer he would usually say "i agree", "your thoughts and mine are similar" etc. (somewhere along those lines lol). If he doesn't sound pleased or agree with you then go back and choose different options!
I don't think he has a good ending, does he? I would also really want to play the good ending. For now, I guess we're just gonna stay devastated untill he gets a good ending...
Someone can help me? I've been trying to go through BugBear route, i followed every tip on the guide and the comments and i still can't get it right, can someone plz give me an extremely detailed guide? :( Like every little thing that i have to do to get his good route. Thx anyways nice game tho, i loved it <3
What I did was that I chose Bellatrix and I made sure I had crypto, astrology, combat and defense, and you can choose any other class you want. Before Tuesday make sure you get your bad up to 4 and strength up to 10 or you won't be able to ask about his smile. On Monday attend your classes but during freetime I chose to steal food from the kitchen TWICE which then you would have your bad up to 2. Switch to the battlefield to excerise and around the end of the day go to the battlefield to choose "be a delinquent". On tuesday when it asks you to go to class say no and skip. During your skipping period go to the forest or garden to find bugbear (I preferably went to the forest). There's a chance you'll find somebody different instead of bugbear but thats okay cause you can still retry and get bugbear! When bugbear asks if you "want to have fun?" say yes and so on. Make sure to go to the battefield and build up your strength up to 10! The next day try to spend more time with bugbear (there should be an option to choose bugbears icon during freetime/extracurriclers). DONT SKIP your classes cause he will be in one of them which then you will be able to ask questions! Make sure you ask about his SMILE to get the good ending! Bugbear will say something about the library but you dont have to go there yet, try going to the library on thursday or friday (from what i heard). I specifically went to the library on friday 8:00 pm because it showed me a different person in the library on thursday. DONT SKIP your classes on thursday or friday because for me I got the crypto class on friday which you need to ATTEND that class in order to learn more about "bugbears" which will lead you to bugbears route!
That's mostly it! I hope it helped and goodluck! If you still have some trouble i can try to help!
So what happens it's that i accept to have fun with him but on the next days he never appear in my class and i can never ask or talk to him, and normally my bad stats is 4 and strength is 10, he never appears and i keep getting the forever alone ending
I can't tell if this is supposed to be bugbears' good ending or what??? Is there one that is... idk... like quantifiably good? Or is it just 😨😱 idm cuz he's sexy either way just uh, want to know if I'm missing something
You have to take the cryptozoology class and in that class the teacher will ask you if you want to learn more about a mythological creature, you have to choose the option "bugbear". And then in one of your classes, he'll randomly appear and you get a chance to ask him questions about himself, you have to get 10 strength so you could ask him about his smile, if you'd done both of that i think you'll be able to get his good end! (although his good end doesn't really seem like its good ahaha...)
sorry for asking but uhm how to get bugbear's fail ending?? I've seen comments about it, I've tried to get it but I always get his good ending, pls help (≖͞_≖̥)
And maybe it's just me doing something wrong, but pls help I am D E S P E R A T E
his bad ending is just him not being affectionate towards you (no 3rd cg.) you just follow the original route, but don't ask him about his smile. hope this helps :D
if you want his 3rd cg you have to get his good ending. in which it's the same as the bad ending but he's more uh....affectionate (questionable) towards you.
I absolutely love this game!!!! So much fun getting all the routes!!! Some unexpected turn of events with some that made a 360 degree turn. The unexpectedness of it all makes it all the more juicy when you go through each one's route. Things you think will happen turn into a nice twist! So fun!!! \(>w<)/
P.S: I'm not sure if its normal or just my bad luck but ever since I went through Bugbear's route he's been showing up a lot more or maybe its just my imagination(i hope its my imagination). Every time I see him I'm like "Yep nope not gonna fall for that trap again buddy!" yet he always finds his way of popping up again in the weirdest ways when I'm going after certain routes. Times when I wanted him to show up he wouldn't now he just can't get enough of my poor MC. Creepy stalking too so I try to reload and avoid seeing him as much as possible which means a lot of reloading saves. I'm haunted by this fellow every route at some point in time!! Such a shame too he seem like he would have had a goofy route at first but geez it broke me literally!! WHHHYYYYY!?!?!?!?! Beware his route!!!All is not golden with this fellow! I should have known when I saw him greet my character from the welcoming committee that he was bad news but just had to be curious and look what it got me!! Bad luck! X'D
Please Help! I am having trouble with Bugbear's route. I have tried at least 15 different ways of playing it through but I am unable to meet him at the library ever (I've tried wednesday and thursday). No matter what, I either meet another character, or nobody. I have tried getting my strength up to ask him all the questions too, but still to no avail. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if my version of the game is broken T-T
Haha don't I did too!!! Okay so first things first
1. Make sure in the beginning of the game you have Crypto, Astro, Combat and Defense, and any other class (I chose Alchemy.)
2.Try to get your Bad score up to 4 before tuesday! and strength should be around 10! Best way to do that is During free time steal food in the kitchen two times to obtain 2 bad points. Then switch to exercising(in battle field and towards the end of the day exercise in forest to get tackled by Bugbear). For the rest of the day until you can get at least up to 9 strength points. Tuesday, raise your strength to 10 then the next free time you have go to the battle field and click "Be a Delinquent" to gain 2 bad points.
3. On Tuesday when it asks you to go to class say no. Then you can either go to forest or Garden to find Bugbear. When he asks you "Would you like to have some fun" Press yes and so on.
4. Next day try to spend as much time with him, but don't skip your classes because he will appear in one of them. You will then be able to ask him questions, but don't ask about where he is from. Ask him about his smile. He'll then say something about the library, but you don't have to go there right away, try checking on thursday or friday.
5.Continue to see him, you can go to the nurse or the bathroom and get special events, but they aren't needed for the route. On thursday don't skip your classes and there will be a question asking for what you want to know more about. Press "BugBear" and so on.
That's mostly how you get to his route! It should be easy from there^^ It took me a while too but I figured it out TT
i can't figure out bugbear's success ending for the life of me ;-; if i try to ask him about his smile, the prompt in cryptzoology never pops up no matter how many times i try AM I MISSING SOMETHING I JUST WANT HIS 4TH CG T__T someone help tell me the best schedule SOMETHING
Haha don't I did too!!! Okay so first things first
1. Make sure in the beginning of the game you have Crypto, Astro, Combat and Defense, and any other class (I chose Alchemy.)
2.Try to get your Bad score up to 4 before tuesday! and strength should be around 10! Best way to do that is During free time steal food in the kitchen two times to obtain 2 bad points. Then switch to exercising(in battle field and towards the end of the day exercise in forest to get tackled by Bugbear). For the rest of the day until you can get at least up to 9 strength points. Tuesday, raise your strength to 10 then the next free time you have go to the battle field and click "Be a Delinquent" to gain 2 bad points.
3. On Tuesday when it asks you to go to class say no. Then you can either go to forest or Garden to find Bugbear. When he asks you "Would you like to have some fun" Press yes and so on.
4. Next day try to spend as much time with him, but don't skip your classes because he will appear in one of them. You will then be able to ask him questions, but don't ask about where he is from. Ask him about his smile. He'll then say something about the library, but you don't have to go there right away, try checking on thursday or friday.
5.Continue to see him, you can go to the nurse or the bathroom and get special events, but they aren't needed for the route. On thursday don't skip your classes and there will be a question asking for what you want to know more about. Press "BugBear" and so on.
That's mostly how you get to his route! It should be easy from there^^ It took me a while too but I figured it out TT
i chose all the classes, house bellatrix for strength but i cant get all stats up before tuesday or on tuesday. strangely enough on my first try i was able to enter the route, but for some reason i wasnt able to meet him at the library so i restarted and now im not even able to enter it- am i perhaps doing something wrong...?
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I LOVED the experience whilst playing this game. All the characters are very well designed and I really felt absorbed into the universe. I know it's early stages but I would love it if it wasn't just a week long game! I completely get that this is for future updates but I'd love to have the whole school year to interact with these people. Cannot wait for the future of this game <33
Why is Huxley Hainsworth always running away from me o͡͡͡͡͡͡╮༼;´༎ຶ.̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨.̸̸̨̨ ༎ຶ༽╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡
If you're trying to impress her, don't. Instead, choose the option that you think would have not impressed her
When i first met her *Sheds tear* she ran when i try to talk to her she keep running away
Help me sensei
if u click the game guide, you're able to see her character and how to see her! i recommend choosing the choices that seems good to u and if it doesn't work out, just use a save spot to return later on! :D
here is the saint spells discord fanserver if anyone would like to join!:
how do i get luca's route? i can't get his route i go everywhere he goes :( someone please help me
In my case, I started seeing him during one of his free time events: In SoM Class. Although from what I can remember, you can also meet him at the kitchen, the garden, and the library. I'm pretty sure most of the more important stuff on how to get his route is in the game guide.
ok. thank you for the advice!
i was playing for luca ending and almost ended up w a bugbear ending...also CAN THERE PLEASE BE A HAPPY ENDING FOR LUCA
pls . i am begging u😭 i NEED a happy ending for luca.. IM DEVASTATED AFTER FINISHING😭😭
How do i get his ending 😭 i keep trying but i got hui's instead 💔💔
his always around the garden, forest or kitchen and he skips lessons too so u can skip lesson to meet him
^^ plus theres no guide on how to get his route but if u click an answer, it shows what is right to pick or what is wrong right away so u can go back easily n fix it!! i always chose the options to compliment him (mainly bc i love him </3)
Thanks!! I just finished his route and I'm sobbing 😭
How do i get siris good end. Ive tried to befriend eleni but it just puts you on her route and idk how to get them to stopping being all buddy buddy. I like their story, its interesting but a pain. Ive done it like 20 times
Somebody plz tell me how to die to proceed Arbor's route :(
eat a shroom until you die pretty much!
just eat a bunch of shrooms lol
Can anyone help me I cant meet Bugbear in library
Attend any of the classes after bumping into him and in one of them the prof should ask you in what mythical creature you're interested in. Click the bugbear option! For his classes choose astro, crypto, combat & defense and any other class.
Great game! Was just wondering how many endings there are for Alucain! Is there only a possibility of friendship with them? Either way I love them and all the characters in this!
Just played Luca's route im broken btw
I played for little time. The illustration and sound is good. I am not goot at english, I can't play for long time.
Hey does anyone know how to get arbor's good end cuz I'm struggling rn ;-;
You have to meet Arbor first then try to find her during lunch. After that, you have to find a way to die, choose the option where it says something like you still want to live and from then on, you'll stay in her route.
i cant get elenis first cg :cry:
i've read the guide & chose the right option but it doesnt give me her first cg :sob:
You would have to go back to Eleni's good route after Siri's success ending, then there would be two choices that would ask you if you've seen Siri before or not, since you're gonna meet him again. To get the first CG for both Eleni and Siri, you'd have to say you've seen him before and it'll trigger that.
wait, sorry where's the guide? i've just been going off of comments lol
its in the desc of the game !
oh right ahaha thankyou!!
i just started this game but its so cute i love it so far
for the life of me i can't seem to get dinae's good ending, can anyone help? i followed the guide exactly but it doesnt show what to do for extracurriculars/ lunch so that must be where i'm messing up, but i've tried so many combinations and have done her route over a dozen times now.
You'd have to be SUPER kind to her, listen to her, give her advice, don't tease her and such, and in one of the lunch events, it's gonna ask u to eat the cake or not, you'd have to save it for later and give Dinae. If ever you get stuck during the Saturday event, you'd have to accept her invitation to leave since your tired, and it'll trigger her good ending.
hey can anyone tell me how to get barnalee's bad ending?
i wanna know too. I chose bad options in the first two conversation but after that there weren't any interactions with him :(
You'd have to higher your bad student points to see him in the free time events he has, make sure you limit it to the ones that allow you to get the bad ending, I'm pretty sure there's 5 of them, and just keep on seeing him during class since his dialogues would change depending on how you treat him, then you would be able to get his bad end.
I hope you guys enjoy it like I did :)
Apparently there is a secret third ending with Siri after you completed BOTH of his and Eleni's good end but I don't know how 🤷♀️
And I agree with you Luca's route makes me cry like a baby
To those who haven't gotten this ending, you would have to go back to Eleni's good route after Siri's success ending to meet him again, then there would be two choices that would ask you if you've seen him before or not. To get the third ending for both Eleni and Siri, you'd have to say you've seen him before.
Anyone know how to get Huxley's good end? I can't seem to get on her route.
- you can getting on her route by approaching her in Cryptozoology, Potions, Practical 101 or gardens
- All her dates are at 6:00 PM
-She doesn't really require any points so just focus on the date.
She doesn't really need any 'good points', so you only need to focus on her dates.
1st meeting(garden, class)
choices don't really matter
2nd meeting(garden)
- choices ain't a matter, meet her at 6:00 pm
3rd meeting(class, garden)
-"Do something"
proceeds to the 2nd date (6:00 PM)
4th meeting(garden):
-"Daddy...?" (Try it, I dare you)/ "Huxley...?"
5th meeting(class, garden):
- "No"
-"I'm not!"
1st date:
- "reluctantly pay"
- "PEE-noh nwar"
- "poetry"
- "Don't toucha' my spaghetti" / "Hey, what's they big deal?"
- "Tina"
2nd date:
- "Yeah"
- "Quick and furrow, so you get rid of all the grime"
- "Wine- scented"
- "Hay"
3rd date:
-"Prince Hoshi... I have a confession..."
- "2^12"
- "Realize you have two hands"
- "Get on with it already!" / "..."
1st CG: You'll get the first CG on her 3rd meeting.
2nd CG: once you complete the ending you'll get it.
Thank you!
im playing this rn, artstyle is beautiful
+ claire my beloved
Hi, is this game available in Android? I really want to play it but it doesn't work :((
No its only for pc
help i can't get alucain's good ending at like any cost??? i was honest to him but i still got the bad ending :(
You have to get 10 points of intelligence, hardworking, be honest with him, get tutor in the library or work your project with alucain in history, meet him in the infirmary, garden and library. That's how i got alucain's ending i hope it helps ^^
yay thank you! i'll try this out :D <33
actually...if u don't mind....what choices did you pick for him.....somehow? i still keep getting the bad ending lol (sorry for bothering if i am ) <33
you can choice the polaris for a 3 INT boost
-classes: Alchemy, Cryptozoology, History of Magic, Study of Malediction
1st meeting(class):
-no option, just an encounter
2nd meeting(library, 6:00 PM, Work on class project with Alucain):
- "Ask"
- "That's just how life is"
3rd meeting:
-"It's an utter mess..."
- "It was entertaining and informative"
4th meeting(library, 6:00 PM, Work on class project with Alucain):
- "Must be hard reading mystery novels" (cha req low: 4 cha)
5th meeting(class):
- "Reflect on the time with them"
-prioritize the INT stat and a bit of the CHA
AAAA thank you sm it helped a lot! <333 :DD i finally got the good ending lol ty!!!
oh, how did you get alucain's bad ending?
apparently its easy
1st meeting
- interact with him
2nd meeting (library at 6:00 pm)
- "ask"
- click the first option above the "thats just how life is"
3rd meeting
- "it was an utter mess"
- click the other option, dont click the "it was very entertaining and informative" one.
4th meeting (library, 6:00 pm again)
- "you can save money either way"
5th meeting (saturday on cafe)
- it should say that the ending failed, meaning you got the bad ending.
arbor cg's r so beautiful !!!
How long does it take to do one route?(with below average/average experience in these type of games)
It takes about 20-30 minutes per route, well at least for doing one of the endings. It took me a few days to figure out some of the other character's routes since the guide wasn't out yet when I started playing
I think its currently unknown because whenever i ask if bugbear is his actual name he doesn't say anything and just hums maybe soon it'll be revealed?
his real name is currently unknown!
Hi can someone tell me how to get Sal's 2nd cg???
Try stacking up strength and go to queens guard practice, you can find him there
Thank youuuu!! : D
can someone tell me how to get lucas good ending? (pls be specific if u can!
edit: NVM I DID IT - its so sadd D::
how did you do it im sufferin
What i did was that I chose random classes but you HAVE to choose study of malediction! You won't be able to talk/find Luca unless you go to study of malediction on wednesday. After you meet luca on wednesday try to spend as much time with him as you can especially during lunch and freetime! During freetime he's usually in the library studying. On Monday and tuesday make sure to steal food from the kitchen and get your bad up to 4 to be able to skip class. You can skip any class you want but NOT study of malediction. When your skipping classes go to the kitchen to get a chance of showing luca on how to make coffee (someone said this in the comments but I wasn't able to show him how to make coffee but I was still able to get his good ending so you dont really need to do this part!). That's basically it but when your talking to him make sure to pick dialogues that you think will please him on your answer he would usually say "i agree", "your thoughts and mine are similar" etc. (somewhere along those lines lol). If he doesn't sound pleased or agree with you then go back and choose different options!
Goodluck and lmk if this helps!
Thank you very much! i just got his ending and i have to say, it is sad indeed. Again, thank you VERY much for this!
I followed everything here and I still got his bad ending, am I doing something wrong?? D:
I don't think he has a good ending, does he? I would also really want to play the good ending. For now, I guess we're just gonna stay devastated untill he gets a good ending...
Someone can help me? I've been trying to go through BugBear route, i followed every tip on the guide and the comments and i still can't get it right, can someone plz give me an extremely detailed guide? :( Like every little thing that i have to do to get his good route.
Thx anyways nice game tho, i loved it <3
What I did was that I chose Bellatrix and I made sure I had crypto, astrology, combat and defense, and you can choose any other class you want. Before Tuesday make sure you get your bad up to 4 and strength up to 10 or you won't be able to ask about his smile. On Monday attend your classes but during freetime I chose to steal food from the kitchen TWICE which then you would have your bad up to 2. Switch to the battlefield to excerise and around the end of the day go to the battlefield to choose "be a delinquent". On tuesday when it asks you to go to class say no and skip. During your skipping period go to the forest or garden to find bugbear (I preferably went to the forest). There's a chance you'll find somebody different instead of bugbear but thats okay cause you can still retry and get bugbear! When bugbear asks if you "want to have fun?" say yes and so on. Make sure to go to the battefield and build up your strength up to 10! The next day try to spend more time with bugbear (there should be an option to choose bugbears icon during freetime/extracurriclers). DONT SKIP your classes cause he will be in one of them which then you will be able to ask questions! Make sure you ask about his SMILE to get the good ending! Bugbear will say something about the library but you dont have to go there yet, try going to the library on thursday or friday (from what i heard). I specifically went to the library on friday 8:00 pm because it showed me a different person in the library on thursday. DONT SKIP your classes on thursday or friday because for me I got the crypto class on friday which you need to ATTEND that class in order to learn more about "bugbears" which will lead you to bugbears route!
That's mostly it! I hope it helped and goodluck! If you still have some trouble i can try to help!
it showed me that question when i was doing my 2nd route with a different character. now i dont see the learn more about bugbears??
So what happens it's that i accept to have fun with him but on the next days he never appear in my class and i can never ask or talk to him, and normally my bad stats is 4 and strength is 10, he never appears and i keep getting the forever alone ending
I can't tell if this is supposed to be bugbears' good ending or what??? Is there one that is... idk... like quantifiably good? Or is it just 😨😱 idm cuz he's sexy either way just uh, want to know if I'm missing something
If you got his 3rd CG then you got the good ending!
How do I get Bugbear's good ending? I've been having a hard time so I wanna know if you could share some tips!
You have to take the cryptozoology class and in that class the teacher will ask you if you want to learn more about a mythological creature, you have to choose the option "bugbear". And then in one of your classes, he'll randomly appear and you get a chance to ask him questions about himself, you have to get 10 strength so you could ask him about his smile, if you'd done both of that i think you'll be able to get his good end! (although his good end doesn't really seem like its good ahaha...)
sorry for asking but uhm how to get bugbear's fail ending?? I've seen comments about it, I've tried to get it but I always get his good ending, pls help (≖͞_≖̥)
And maybe it's just me doing something wrong, but pls help I am
his bad ending is just him not being affectionate towards you (no 3rd cg.) you just follow the original route, but don't ask him about his smile. hope this helps :D
I see ty for the explanation but what about his 3rd CG? ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )
if you want his 3rd cg you have to get his good ending. in which it's the same as the bad ending but he's more uh....affectionate (questionable) towards you.
I absolutely love this game!!!! So much fun getting all the routes!!! Some unexpected turn of events with some that made a 360 degree turn. The unexpectedness of it all makes it all the more juicy when you go through each one's route. Things you think will happen turn into a nice twist! So fun!!! \(>w<)/
P.S: I'm not sure if its normal or just my bad luck but ever since I went through Bugbear's route he's been showing up a lot more or maybe its just my imagination(i hope its my imagination). Every time I see him I'm like "Yep nope not gonna fall for that trap again buddy!" yet he always finds his way of popping up again in the weirdest ways when I'm going after certain routes. Times when I wanted him to show up he wouldn't now he just can't get enough of my poor MC. Creepy stalking too so I try to reload and avoid seeing him as much as possible which means a lot of reloading saves. I'm haunted by this fellow every route at some point in time!! Such a shame too he seem like he would have had a goofy route at first but geez it broke me literally!! WHHHYYYYY!?!?!?!?! Beware his route!!!All is not golden with this fellow! I should have known when I saw him greet my character from the welcoming committee that he was bad news but just had to be curious and look what it got me!! Bad luck! X'D
any tips to get sal's other cg? huhuhu
NEVER MIND I JUST GOT IT HELP ME (if you need help with this. go to queensguard practice.)
I ermmm Titus (≖͞_≖̥) ?
Please Help!
I am having trouble with Bugbear's route. I have tried at least 15 different ways of playing it through but I am unable to meet him at the library ever (I've tried wednesday and thursday). No matter what, I either meet another character, or nobody. I have tried getting my strength up to ask him all the questions too, but still to no avail. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if my version of the game is broken T-T
Haha don't I did too!!! Okay so first things first
1. Make sure in the beginning of the game you have Crypto, Astro, Combat and Defense, and any other class (I chose Alchemy.)
2.Try to get your Bad score up to 4 before tuesday! and strength should be around 10! Best way to do that is During free time steal food in the kitchen two times to obtain 2 bad points. Then switch to exercising(in battle field and towards the end of the day exercise in forest to get tackled by Bugbear). For the rest of the day until you can get at least up to 9 strength points. Tuesday, raise your strength to 10 then the next free time you have go to the battle field and click "Be a Delinquent" to gain 2 bad points.
3. On Tuesday when it asks you to go to class say no. Then you can either go to forest or Garden to find Bugbear. When he asks you "Would you like to have some fun" Press yes and so on.
4. Next day try to spend as much time with him, but don't skip your classes because he will appear in one of them. You will then be able to ask him questions, but don't ask about where he is from. Ask him about his smile. He'll then say something about the library, but you don't have to go there right away, try checking on thursday or friday.
5.Continue to see him, you can go to the nurse or the bathroom and get special events, but they aren't needed for the route. On thursday don't skip your classes and there will be a question asking for what you want to know more about. Press "BugBear" and so on.
That's mostly how you get to his route! It should be easy from there^^ It took me a while too but I figured it out TT
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! this is very helpful
ah, I've been asking him where he's from every time. Maybe thats what's causing it. Thanks! I'll try it asap haha
bugbear in a nutshell:
DAHGSBFMSFB I WAS SHOOOOCKED i was like...nah this can't be his good ending oh he is so fucked up TT
i can't figure out bugbear's success ending for the life of me ;-; if i try to ask him about his smile, the prompt in cryptzoology never pops up no matter how many times i try AM I MISSING SOMETHING I JUST WANT HIS 4TH CG T__T someone help tell me the best schedule SOMETHING
I'm reposting this ehehe I hope this helps!
Haha don't I did too!!! Okay so first things first
1. Make sure in the beginning of the game you have Crypto, Astro, Combat and Defense, and any other class (I chose Alchemy.)
2.Try to get your Bad score up to 4 before tuesday! and strength should be around 10! Best way to do that is During free time steal food in the kitchen two times to obtain 2 bad points. Then switch to exercising(in battle field and towards the end of the day exercise in forest to get tackled by Bugbear). For the rest of the day until you can get at least up to 9 strength points. Tuesday, raise your strength to 10 then the next free time you have go to the battle field and click "Be a Delinquent" to gain 2 bad points.
3. On Tuesday when it asks you to go to class say no. Then you can either go to forest or Garden to find Bugbear. When he asks you "Would you like to have some fun" Press yes and so on.
4. Next day try to spend as much time with him, but don't skip your classes because he will appear in one of them. You will then be able to ask him questions, but don't ask about where he is from. Ask him about his smile. He'll then say something about the library, but you don't have to go there right away, try checking on thursday or friday.
5.Continue to see him, you can go to the nurse or the bathroom and get special events, but they aren't needed for the route. On thursday don't skip your classes and there will be a question asking for what you want to know more about. Press "BugBear" and so on. That's mostly how you get to his route! It should be easy from there^^ It took me a while too but I figured it out TT
IT WORKED thank u so much i am forever grateful (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
it worked for me too, thank u !!!
im still struggling-
i chose all the classes, house bellatrix for strength but i cant get all stats up before tuesday or on tuesday. strangely enough on my first try i was able to enter the route, but for some reason i wasnt able to meet him at the library so i restarted and now im not even able to enter it- am i perhaps doing something wrong...?
nevermind i got both endings
I LOVED IT the game is just muah <3