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Hiya anyone can help me with Sal? i keep trying to get his ending but I'm keep failing lol. Im trying to sit next to him in history but  he's not in the class?? 

i'll attempt his route and let you know if i get his ending!

alright, route attempted! i didn't get the success ending, but here's some tips:

1) try to encounter him in the forest at night. you don't have to go there, it'll be prompted when you go to sleep. just go to history as usual.

2) stack up on strength. you'll need moderate strength to choose an option that guaranteeds the good ending.

3) if sal isn't in class, then skip it. find him somewhere else.

4) remember to go to fields during curricular activity (queensguard) to unlock sal's cg! 

5) basically just to talk to him as much as possible. do your best! 


To get his good ending you need to go to one of the classes he's in to work on the project together, and then go to the library to work on it if i remember correctly :)


Help does anyone Know How to get The success Ending for Scylla. I keep faling 


Wait Nvm I got her ending 

how did you get her ending, help please!!


playing bugbear's route and i'm scared 


finished it. mom pick me up i'm scared 

(3 edits) (+6)


Also if you need help obtaining it, let me know! I can provide tips to achieve it (:

//Spoilers below for the ending//


I kind of wished that Mc said something to Bugbear at end while that happened, could of been more heartwreaking BUT OVERALL 10/10 <3!! 

hey! i need a little bit of help getting his ending. after the midterm stuff is announced, i talked about his smile and he told me we'd meet inside the library, but i came to no avail. i met other characters and restarted a few times but no bugbear. if you could help id appreciate it :)


something i realized is that he might not appear in the library on wednesday but on thursday instead! hope this helps!


yes it did end up working! but oh my god that ending broke me. (literally)

(2 edits) (+1)

You know how we do the work study or get tutoring thing at 6 pm? Just click the first option (studying and chose whichever topic to study with, I chose the second option) , if you get another character that appears , don’t worry he will appear at 8 pm if you click to be in the library again, Bugbear will be there resting his head.

this can only be obtained if you done the Smile question since he asked you to meet you in the library 

i might be wrong about some parts since I’m going off of memory and was the direction I chose ! 

how did you get his success route? i tried and only got his bad ending </3 


I'm mostly speculating but I just got Bugbear's end, so here's my best guess. Lmk if it works!

For Bugbear, make sure you have crypto and astro (ik you need crypto, afaik you don't need astro, just some other class besides crypto for him to hopefully talk to you in, astro just worked for me.) 

Also make sure you have some bad student in you asap (someone else recommended 4) and try to talk to him as much as possible while still stacking str.

For in between events where you have minor interactions, I find him mostly in the garden, forest (at night), and I've gotten two unique interactions, one in the bathhouse and one getting checked up at the infirmary. (I know the bathhouse one is not req. to get his good end, and I don't think the infirmary one is either.) You can tell whether or not bugbear is in the forest based off of whether the trees have red faces. Early on in his route if he's there, they'll only have specks of red on them. (Red eyes, maybe?)

two events should trigger, before you get either conversation, bugbear should tackle you. This happened to me once in the forest and once in the garden, both while wandering (but I hear it can happen in the field too).

After that one, you should get another where bugbear asks you to have some fun with him, if you say yes it'll prompt you to confirm entrance to his route. (Saying no or "avoid"ing his route will lock you out I believe). The only time I can remember this convo being prompted for me was in the garden, but idk if that was by chance or if it has to happen there. 

skip all classes until you hit 10 str (picking bellatrix can help out wit this). Once you do that, stop skipping astro. skip crypto until you get the convo in astro bc otherwise the convo abt his smile will initiate in crypto and you won't have enough time to initiate the convo abt bugbear before friday. 

In astro, hopefully he'll talk to you. I asked him everything and the only time I refused to prod was about his family, I don't know what'll give you more points but I've heard you need to ask about his smile. At the end he'll ask if you'll be at the library.

take crypto next opportunity you have, a prompt should come up to ask the prof about bugbear, click it.

After that, you can trigger his library event. Mine triggered a day after the convo in astro while reading, so dw about time.

then, just hang out with him where you can until friday :D (fyi, trying to stop him in his ending or letting it happen doesn't change anything!)

I hope this helped, I'm sorry about all the uncertainties ;-; I've actually been trying to figure out how to get his bad end. (If anyone knows pls help) lmk if you need any more clarification!





just got titus and luca fail ending. gonna die. anyone know how to get their success endings? :)


In order to get luca's ending meet him up much as possible or you can meet him in the kitchen when skipping classes or at study of malediction, skip classes sometimes and go to the kitchen to teach him how to make coffee, you can meet him up by going to the library garden thats how i got mine (i forgot how to get titus's ending)

thank you so much!


For Titus, he has a few places he will be. You can see him in the garden, in the forest/fields (either exercising or practicing magic), in classes like malediction, combat, practical, and history of magic.

You can get one of the events by skipping class and checking one of these locations, the others you should get randomly if you talk to him in class + eat lunch with him. A lot of his prompts will be initiated through lunch/class, and then poking around in other areas.

Your choices for him should be supportive, don't flick his bugs away, don't steal his hat (aka give it back to him), support him in calling him his full name of Titus and not rabies, help him find his hat, etc.  Don't tell him he has the wrong person twice. Definitely don't call him the gardener haha.

Overall just be very nice to him, go with his ideas if he offers them, etc :)


hello, can anyone help me on bugbear's route? when in cryptozoology class i can't get the prompt to ask the professor about bugbears :(


i have the same problem too :(


I think one of the ways to trigger the question is to meet bugbear multiple times? especially during events where you pick different choices 


holy HELL bugbear's ending


i got luca's ending and
im gonna cry i thought i could get him </3


does anyone know how to get barnaby's fail route or his 2/3 cg? QwQ I keep getting the general fail route instead 


If Bugbear had a voice I think he would sound like Floyd from Twisted Wonderland

finally finished all the routes :D was super fun 

all the characters?? wowww

haha yeah, i've tried so many times for certain characters that I pretty much figured out everyone else's routes along the way

Can someone please help me with bugbear's ending ? I played his route many times but I couldn’t have his ending whether bad or good . I don’t know what the problem is?!?!I chose Astrology and Crypto and I kept in touch with him as much as I could!! Pease tell me how to do if u can!!It will be very helpful!!TT

I have played it for six times btw!!!!!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

You need to meet him at the forest prior to Wed. preferably monday or tuesday, this is the tackle event. (i dont think it matters what choice you pick) after that you need to skip class (you need 4 BAD points) and find him somewhere to accept him and then proceed with his route (prior to Wed. too). after this, you need to actually go to class on wednesday to be prompted w the midterm promp BUT you also need 10 strength to ask abt his smile (I suggest bellatrix + one strength raising class like combat). after this, meet him in the library by studying. after that, just meet him places he usually is (kitchen, bath, garden). then you'll have two events with him when you get to the weekend not get involved (as in do not stop him). As for your crypto class make sure you select 'bugbear'. I think the main thing to remember is to not skip class on wednesday, and to make sure you do not skip your crypto classes.

p.s. after the update i had to re-install to get prompted for both Luca and Bugbear. that may fix it for you too if you're not getting prompted to enter bugbear's route. Good luck!

OMG!Thank u for your help!I think I realize what is the problem.I will try again later!!!

When i  meet him in the library by studying,can i get any plot?or just seeing him?i tried again and failed;;i proceed with his route,asked abt his smile and bugbear,met him in the kitchen and bathroom and we cooked toghther.Did i miss any plots?I don't know why!!!;;;;

I tried this, but when I went to meet bugbear in the library, other characters showed up instead of him. am i doing something wrong?

you have to do it right after the class you get prompted for the mid term for! so go to the library and keep hitting study and you should get him

(i don't know if you can meet him in the library the day after, you could still try the next day although I'm pretty sure he says to meet him that night) 

I succeed!Thank u!!(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

you're welcome glad you got it :)

Wait, I goes to the library after asking about his smile and checking every options available, but I can't seem to meet him at library, what am I supposed to do?

Try the next day on Thursday, some people still get it the next day even if they don't get it the same day :)

Oh, I did it! I got the success ending, thank you!

HELPPP i've been trying to meet him in the library but other characters appear also i don't get the option to ask about bugbears in the cryptozoology class :(


Pro tip: play Titus' route after bugbear/Luca to feel better on the inside 


some of y'all asking how to get luca's good ending.. TRUST ME you wouldn't wanna know his ending  (TヘT )


Can you tell me how did you get arbor's route ? thanks in advance


Just choose Arithmancy's class and approach her I choose the did you draw this choice. Then meet her at lunch and choose looks like you really enjoy this then die like for real die. the easiest way for me is just by eating a mushroom in the forest ( use quick save and quick load ) until u die or if you are in potion class sometimes u will get the death elixir drink it.


does siri have a good ending? fell in love with him and was crushed when i found out miss enchantress got to him first. i also got her ending but still no luck in getting siri's. any guides? thanks :)

(1 edit)

This is also what I took from another commentor who helped me get their ending ^^

Split your schedule with 1 class that has Siri ( astrology) and one class with Eleni( either crypto/history/potion), they have 3 that they share ( malediction, combat and practical 101), you can just choose 2.

I suggest you start Siri's route before Elenis since youll be staying with her for most of the day if you start her's first. Talk to Siri and spend time with him but also try to also spend time with Eleni to start her route once youve befriended Siri.

After that once you get the option of "Do you know this man?", pressing yes will set you on the right path to their ending ^^ I wish you luck on gettingthem!

thank you so much! ill try this right now. i wish you a great day or night! :D

ive been trying for about an hour, but whenever the 'do you know this man?' question pops up, it says that ive met him once or twice but not important enough. ive done all of his events and also have been spending enough time with eleni. any tips?

hmmm that unfortunately I'm kinda stuck as well, cus for me it worked out fine. I only did a couple class meetings with him and around 1 or 2 lunches with him then started Eleni's. One notable thing I wanna say that might be the reason why to your problem is choose the boldest options for Siri at the get go, which means rack up a lo of STR from the start then later id say grind til Tuesday to start his route. If you didnt I think that might be the case? If you did then sadly idk what else to help ya with but I wish you nothing but the best on getting your happy ending TvT

if all else fails I suggest you scroll down to a reply comment made by Morphodrift made around 1 day ago, thats where I got the guide from to get their ending 




i just finished bugbear's route. he has VERY OBVIOUS and alot of red flags but I am the flagpole to his redflags I would gladly be devoured by him eaten by him, I will accept his redflags in open arms. bugbear has my heart I am to be forever more his.

thats such a mood bestie and ngl me too :> my mans though he mightve literally killed me horribly one shall stay devoted -v-


can someone please help me with luca's ending? i've been trying for at least 2 hours and i havent even managed to have a conversation yet.. what stats do i need? and where does he go and stuff?

so far i know that he goes to library and kitchen (skip), and is there specific times i should be at?

(1 edit) (+1)

i believe you have to trigger his route first by approaching him in study of malediction (which is the only class you'll ever have with him) so afterwards you'll have to initiate events with him either by having lunch with him, skipping class, or during free time.  some places he frequents are: library, garden, forest, and kitchen. hope this helps :)

what do i do when i cant find him during lunch?

i cant get his second interaction im going insane

(3 edits) (+2)

if you can’t find him during lunch, then try looking for him during free time or when you skip class in the locations specified. there’s a very good chance you’ll find him eventually while skipping class as you only have 1 class with him, so i recommend building up on BAD and skipping frequently. that’s how i initiated most of his events after my second interaction with him.

as for how i got the second interaction, it might’ve been luck, but i literally just chose his icon when it was time for lunch and it initiated it for me. when i did, it took me to the garden, so maybe try going there more often? 

if you’re still having a hard time finding him after doing his first interaction in s.o.m then it might just be the rng messing with you atp :’) or your game is bugged, this has been happening to a lot of people tho so if in doubt, just reinstall 


im going to play bugbears route,..,,,,,,,,,,. at night..........wish me luck because i am going to try not to be scared


not gonna lie i rrrreally want to see bugbear in the party city nurse outfit in one of the game cutscenes 👉👈

Why am I stuck at dying when I start the game?.. I don't even get the full experience to play it.. :( 

now fixed!!

(1 edit) (+2)

How do I get past bugbears fail made of this, it just appears when i start the game

Me too! I have absolutely no idea how I can get past it. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who's experiencing that.

I'M LITTERALLY HAVING THE SAME PROBLEM??? I just wanted to experience the update, but I'm legit just stuck with that ending as soon as I start the game

same thing happening here D:

(1 edit)

I haven't been able to fully play a route yet, the game is really buggy for me, but you can still load up an old save during his bad end if you have one from the start of your game

Upd: Just got Eleni's second good end, so it seems to be working out fine :D

many apologies!! that was a bug that occurred from me testing new additions in bugbears route, and due to negligence overlooked removing it when i updated D: !!!!!!! now fixed

So... I'm stuck with Bugbear's route.

I accepted the route, the finding him after accepting event, the tackle event, and I did the midterm event on Wednesday, had the STR necessary to ask the question in Astro too, and after that I did the infirmary event. The bath-event won't pop (In another re-run I got an egg event on the bath?) and my first Crypto lesson on Thursday don't trigger the "ask about the creatures" thing (The lesson has the profile of Bugbear, but if I click on it it says I can't find him)

What am I doing wrong? ;; 

I can't trigger any of those events aside from the first accepting one D: the struggle is real


I've been reading through the comments and guide for Bugbear + Luca's route, but I can never seem to get a prompt from bugbear aside from the crypto class/accepting to have fun, and I don't get any events with Luca aside from the library + meeting him in SOM.  Is there certain times or place I should be trying to meet with them?

Well. I finally got the success ending for bugbear after the update and wow...that was quite a lot

gonna do Luca's route thoughts are prayers to myself

pain...all i know is pain.... 


Everyone during Luca’s route:



screaming, crying, bawling my eyes out ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

So are we the reincarnation of that star fairy he talks about ? 



lucas route destroyed me im shaking am crying rn there is no god in this miserable world





I love Bugbears route!! I'm gonna do Luca's route now but any tips on getting his success ending? I know he's in s.o.m but is there any other more classes he's in? and which places is he usually at??


when skiping class you can find him at the kitchen and when at free time, theres a possibility hes at the library  

does anybody else never get luca in the kitchen or is that just me

You need to skip class and make sure you don't get the event where he tell u the end of fairy tale yet if you got it u wont get the kitchen scene

is there a scene in the kitchen scene?????

There is! You guys should make coffee together, I only got this part after meeting with him during a lunch a few times and then talking to him during SOM though


hi hi!!

He is only is s.o.m.

After talking to him in class, you can find him in the kitchen while skipping class (You have to have at least 3-4 in bad student, I don’t remember exactly, sorry) You can also find him in workstudy in the library.

In the fourth meeting you’ll have to go to the garden.



Thank you!! I got his ending now I'm sad <///33


welcome to the club 🥲

I dunno ... I think i love Bugbear's success ending 


Yooooo! I got Luca and Bubears success endings

Luca made me shed a tear,regretfully so

Bugbears was...well..something,I was worried from the beginning if I failed his route what his ending would be like but now I think the success ending is worse 🙃

(1 edit)


They have new endings?!?! YASSSSSS I CANT WAIT TO TRY THE GAME!!!!

(3 edits) (+3)(-1)

spoilers how to get them...

what i did is befriend Siri but go to Elenis route. 

try getting all of siri interaction by going to lunch with him, fight club, class and stuff but dont forget about Eleni (intracting with her at class and lunch will increase her route). 

for me dividing  4 classes by 3 ( 1 Siri, 2 Shared, 1 Eleni)  for Eleni (Combat, Cryptozoology, History, Potions) 

and siri (Astrology)

(Shared: Combat,  Practical, Malediction) For individuly Spending time with them. 

Then Stack up CHA for Eleni (pick all of her CHA option at her route) and STR for Siri. Eleni route will randomly pop up at morning and when siri suddenly Kabedon you at almost at the end

Say Yes 

if your player recognize him bye saying his name that means your good ("Wait...Siri???)

if your player did not say his name that means your not good 

Thats It! i hope this is helpful and Hope yall get the success ending 

Thank you!!


is this weird because i got the success ending but i barely interacted with siri


bye i just got lucas ending



Luca's success got me feel blue... :(

how did you get his endings T_T

If I remember correctly, you should meet him first in the Malediction class (either on Wed or Thu you can check it in the guide) After the first event there would be 4 events which happen in the library, forest (lunch) , kitchen or garden, some requires you to play truant. Honestly, just choose the option that seems pleases him the most and lengthen your conversation. After you finish 5 events you wont find him anywhere but worry not, it still leads to his success ending.

Goodluck mate !


before you ask, yes i did go outside and touch some grass. 

WOHOOOO I GOT ALL OF BUGBEARS CGS AND LUCA'S now i just need to get some of the newer CGs and YALL HOW DO YOU DO NOAH GOOD ENDING????

Please tell me if you figure out how to get Noah good ending 

Can someone explain to me how to do Siris route


You can meet him at the garden, forest, infirmary and the bathhouse once you asked the cryptozoology about bugbears go to the library thats where i found him

i think you should not skip the Cryptozoology class, others are fine

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